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View 667672 NFT on the Official Illuvidex

Illuvitar NFT #667672

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Illuvium Beyond NFT Metadata

Set: 1

Wave: 0

Variation: Original
Finish: Colour

Tier: 0
Stage: 1
Class: Bulwark
Affinity: Earth

Total Power: 158
Accessory Power: 0
Portrait Power: 32
Background Power: 126

Expression: Neutral
Expression Rarity: Common

Background Set: 1
Background Line: Offset
Background Variation: Red
Background Tier: 0
Background Stage: 2

Source Disk ID: 275367
Source Disk Type: Standard D1sk

Minted: May-19-2024

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* - Currently only monitoring ETH sales, other crypto token transactions may have occurred.

Price in USD is current conversion value of ETH, not representative of USD value at time of purchase